Hidden Gem Series:
An Incomplete Guide to Atypical Language Learning Strategies
This blog is periodically updated. Last update was on Feb 3, 2022.
Some of my tips to speed up the process of learning a foreign language:
- Skim vocabulary quickly and repeatedly instead of intentionally memorizing them.
- Learn grammar in a fast and top-down way. Build the complete structure of the full grammar and then fill in details. Try to complete this part as early as possible.
- Listen a lot on random topics and from various speakers. No need to fully understand the content. Always listen to a new piece.
- Pick one favorite native speaker, and do short sessions of speech shadowing. Stay with the same piece of audio until being able to produce it in an identical way.
- Choose a very specific topic to read rather than read randomly and broadly.
- Spend some time on this new language every day without setting a time duration: five minutes or a few hours depending on how productive you feel today.
- For better photographic memory, handwrite a lot or picture this language frequently in your brain.
- No need to pay special attention to how to think in this new language. It comes naturally when you speak a lot in this language. If you are really eager to speed up this process and are already proficient in 2+ languages, try learning this new language in two other languages you already know.
- Master the new language as soon as possible. Ideally within a year to reach the level of professional working proficiency.

Hidden Gem Series is a collection of self-written notes on various topics, primarily for my own reference and hopefully useful for some readers. These notes are not tailored towards the general audience yet, but feel free to email me if there are questions.